Prof O.Osunkunle
Prof Oluyinka Osunkunle is the Head of Communication Department. He has over 15 years teaching and research experience and has over the years taught Media, Journalism, New Media, Communication and other related courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Prof Osunkunle has published papers in local and international accredited journals. His research endeavours has taken him across and outside South Africa while attending and presenting papers in local and international conferences such as the South African Communication Association (SACOMM), International Association for Communication and Sports (IACS) and International Association of Media & Communication Researchers (IAMCR) Conferences. He has worked for some years in the 90s as a freelance journalist in Nigeria for reputable media houses such as ‘Daily Sketch’, ‘The Punch’ and ‘Nigerian Tribune’ Newspapers with several newspaper articles to his credit. He has supervised several Honours Research Projects, as well as Masters and PhD students that have all graduated while also serving as a Supervisor / Mentor for some Post-Doctoral Research Fellows (PDRF). Prof Osunkunle currently serves as an External Examiner for postgraduate research in Communication and related fields for some South African Universities. He has also been a Programme Evaluator in Communication and related fields for the Council on Higher Education (CHE) Pretoria since 2008.
His teaching and research areas include Community Media, New Media, Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Management.
Publications are on Research Gate and other Online sources